For indie business insights, book us as a pair or individually to speak at your event.
We can attend to deliver keynote talks or act as MCs, panel hosts or panel mebers.
It’s nice to be on the other side of the mic sometimes, so invite us on your podcast ;)
To book us as a duo, email show@indiebusinessclub.com
ben mckinney
Ben’s a copywriter and co-founder copywriting agency Copy Or Die with friend-of-the-show Dave Harland. But he credits most of the business lessons he’s learned along the way as coming from running his window cleaning business, which he started in his early 20s.
“Nothing teaches you how to sell like being put on the spot by a parsimonious pensioner. If you can think on your feet and keep them happy while making some profit at the same time, you know you’re onto a winner.”
Ben speaks about being in control when running your business and has a signature talk called “Be Your Own Best Customer”.
Mel is a Creative Copywriter, specialising in personality-packed copy. Also a qualified careers advisor (oh, the irony), she’s worked as a childminder, shop assistant, local government grunt and event coordinator.
As well as writing for Freelancer Magazine, Mel speaks at events and on webinars. Mel talks about being brave in your content, the importance of tone of voice, career management, and LinkedIn personal branding.